So where did 2022 and 2023 go?

It is a lot harder to keep on top of this type of content than I would like!

I have to ask, what is the point, if you cannot do it, does it matter? Is it important?

The reason I wanted to keep this going was as a record of what I have done and why I did it. This is a great place for me to reflect, remember and hopefully learn! It makes what I do very transparent, it gives a voice and maybe some depth to what primarily looks like a coffee roasters website and finally, just maybe it provides something or interest, inspiration, insight to an individual who may have their own dreams or looking for details on a topic that intrigues them.

So, I last updated on how 2021 went - at this time I had started with some great ideas. One year and 10 months have passed - how do I sum that up? Well, I still love coffee, I’m still doing this! My roasting has improved, my processes have improved and I continue to push and challenge myself to see how far this adventure will go! Has it all been smiles and cheers? No. Have I almost packed it all in? Wrapped it all up? Wondered why on earth or what is the point? Yes! A number of times!

Do I remember everything I have done in this time? Not really, and that is a shame, I can scroll through some things I remembered to catch on Instagram. I will put some headings below and may elaborate on some of these.

In short. I have maintained a low key but consistent sales channel. People give good feedback on the coffee they have received. I remain really keen to help as many people enjoy great coffee, as possible. I want to make it accessible and pitch at a level that is appropriate for the person in front of me. Sometimes you may want the story, some depth, some science and sometimes you may just want a cup of coffee - I want to provide this to as many people as I can.

The Roest has proven to be an amazing tool for learning how to roast and producing an excellent quality product, at a small scale! Here in lies a lot of my challenge. I have big ideas and dreams, I do not necessarily have the scale and capacity to fufill them all. Yet :-) More on this another time, I really want to scale up - but I do not want to use gas fuelled roasters or necessarily become another every day manufacturing line.

I have met so many amazing people - this remains one of the best bits. I am not particularly extroverted but I do enjoy meeting nice people, sharing ideas, values and experiences.

Coffee purchasing has changed from buying small quantities via a limited amount of third parties to getting closer to source or particular producers and exporters. This has been very satisfying but volume is always going to drive how this can continue to grow and be of value to all those involved.

Since setting up, Tilted has managed to donate £332 to charity, direct from the sales made. I am proud of this and it is a key point for me. I may not be able to make a huge difference but every little thing I can do that has a positive impact, is worth doing and may well encourage others.

Highlights from the last year and 10 months - in chronological order:

  1. Fulfilled first wholesale orders for coffee shops. It is a buzz to be featured by like minded people in their shops as well as have customers tell me they tried my coffee somewhere and loved it, but I am not keen on the price driven grind that comes with wholesale. There must be another way?

  2. Roasting Competition with Falcon Micro - finished in Top 4 (18 competitors).

  3. Served coffee to the queue at Record Store Day (twice now), for Applestump Records in Nantwich.

  4. Roasted three coffees for two friends to use at the UK Brewers Cup Competition.

  5. Grew monthly subscription base in line with targets.

  6. Attended World of Coffee in Athens. Brewed my coffee on the Varia stand. Met lots of amazing people and really enjoyed the whole event. One highlight was getting to share a coffee I had roasted and brewed with the farmer that grew and processed it. Mind blown! The scale of this event, being able to include my son, the positive relationships built and the general feeling all served to reaffirm that I was doing the right thing. Prior to this event, I was the closest I had come to wrapping up.

  7. Purchased larger amounts of green coffee and in a much more direct way than previously. More risks but also more satisfaction.

  8. Started selling the Varia VS3 2nd Generation Coffee Grinder. A great piece of kit and Tilted, at this time, the only UK stockist.

  9. Provided two types of coffee for a friend to brew at his wedding, for guests. This one makes me very happy. The chance to feature as part of a very special day and trusted to supply a tasty product.

  10. First brew bar takeover at Home Coffee in Alsager! Got to share a wonderful Colombian Tabi and very expressive Orange Bourbon!

  11. Signed up for the Extracted Development Competition at Manchester Coffee Festival, update to follow once it’s over!

  12. Improved ability to detect flavours, potential and defects through the cupping process.

  13. Roasted an extensive range of coffee - origin, processing method, quality - really starting to find a true preference. South and Central America is proving to be a real favourite of mine. In particular Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala and Peru. I really love a washed coffee but also enjoy high quality naturals and some of the more adventurous processing methods.


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Wrapping up 2021…