Monthly Donations

Donations Total To Date - £965 - Thank you for your purchases, they enabled this!

One of my pledges when starting this business, was to donate a percentage of monthly sales to charity. I think that companies should do what they can to support good causes and the communities they are a part of.

Hopefully this brings you some cheer, knowing that a percentage of the money you paid for your coffee or equipment is going to help a charity with their work!

Whilst there are many schemes you can join, my preference is to keep this within my control. I will regularly publish the donations made and the charities chosen.

I will donate a percentage of sales revenue as opposed to profit - this means for every order (not including postage), the donation is based on the amount you pay and not the amount of profit made on that order.

The amount will be 5% and I will split this between local and international charities. The numbers are not going to be big, until Tilted grows. You can visit this post and see which charities have been chosen. I will try and do this regularly, either monthly or quarterly but please be assured even if I am late updating - I will always make the payments.

Feel free to email me suggestions, if there is something that means a lot to you.

November 2021 - Total Amount £15 - Split 50/50 between:

Visyon - - a charity supporting the emotional health of children, young people and their families in Cheshire East.

Grounds for Health - - a charity working towards preventing cervical cancer in coffee communities.

Please take a moment to visit these sites and understand more about the cause you have helped support.

December 2021 - Total Amount £20 - Split 50/50 between:

Age UK - - charity providing services and supporting older people in Cheshire East.

Food 4 Farmers - - Food 4 Farmers is a non-profit organisation that works with coffee farmers to disrupt the global food system. They partner with families and farmers’ organisations to create thriving food hubs, diversify income, and implement sustainable farming practices that promote biodiversity and ecosystem resiliency throughout Latin America.

January 2022 - Total Amount £10

Unfortunately the amount is a bit lower this month, as less sales. There was no market, which didn’t help. Owing to this, I have decided not to split the donation between two charities this month.

Friends For Leisure - - Voluntary organisation based in Cheshire East for disabled and young children. Providing disabled children with the opportunities to have fun, make friends and do the everyday things that other children and young people take for granted.

February 2022 - Total Amount £5

Unfortunately the amount is a bit lower this month, as less sales. There was no market, and a reduction on web. Owing to this, I have decided not to split the donation between two charities this month, same as January. I am hoping for things to start picking up again in March / April as I have some new stock in and will run some promotions.

This month I have decided to support the Ukrainian Humanitarian effort and this is through the British Red Cross. If you would like to do similar, then please visit this website:

March 2022 - Total Amount £12

March was a good month, so means the donation is a bit higher :-) I would like to mix between local and international charities, for now I think based on the amounts each month I am best giving to one place each month, rather than splitting the amounts between two.

This month the focus is local and the Nantwich Food Bank. Check out their great work and you can donate yourselves on their website: Nantwich Foodbank

April 2022 - Total Amount £6

Slower month in April for sales, but still felt like a lot was going on, at least the sun is starting to come out again!

This month I am sticking with the same as last month, it feels like the right thing to do at this time. So donations made to the Nantwich Food Bank. Check out their great work and you can donate yourselves on their website: Nantwich Foodbank

May 2022 - Total Amount £10

Bit of upwards rounding this month :-) Still, the sun is out and it was a reasonable month sales wise.

This month I have chosen to donate to The Donkey Sanctuary. Donkey’s are wonderful animals, from the website:

“Donkeys and mules contribute so much to humankind all over the world, working tirelessly to prop up entire communities. But many are suffering and need our help right now.”

If you also wish to donate or learn more about this charity, the please visit:

June 2022 - Total Amount £10

This month I have chosen to donate to The Donkey Sanctuary, again! Donkey’s are wonderful animals, from the website:

“Donkeys and mules contribute so much to humankind all over the world, working tirelessly to prop up entire communities. But many are suffering and need our help right now.”

If you also wish to donate or learn more about this charity, the please visit:

July 2022 - Total Amount £9

This month I have chosen to donate to Visyon - - a charity supporting the emotional health of children, young people and their families in Cheshire East.

August 2022 & September 2022 - Total Amount £12

Been caught up with lots of stuff not related to coffee, hence late getting to the monthly donations and have now combined August and September.

This time donations are being made to the Nantwich Food Bank. Check out their great work and you can donate yourselves on their website: Nantwich Foodbank

Oct, Nov, Dec 2022 - Total Amount £20

Crazy end to the year, personally, so was delayed getting this done.

Donations this time going to Medecins Sans Frontieres. From their pages,

“We are an international, medical humanitarian organisation working in more than 90 countries around the world. Our medical teams act fast to save people’s lives in conflict zones, natural disasters and epidemics. We go where we are needed most.”

Please visit their website if you want more information,

Jan, Feb 2023 - Total Amount £16

Donations this time going to Childhood Tumour Trust. Please visit their site for more information, and of course if possible, please donate.

The Childhood Tumour Trust is there to support those with children diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis (NF1).

Please visit their website if you want more information,

Mar, Apr, May, Jun 2023 - Total Amount £32

Slight delay getting this done and posted.

Donations this month going to the The Coffee Trust. Please visit their site for more info, but in brief; they support indigenous coffee farmers improve their agricultural practices, diversify their incomes and raise healthy families. The focus is in Guatemala.

Jul, Aug, Sept 2023 - Total Amount £160

Slight delay getting this done and posted. Increase in amount owing to selling the Varia Grinders in this period.

Donations this month split equally between The Wildlife Trusts, Médecins Sans Frontières, Nantwich Food Bank, Food 4 Farmers.

Nantwich Foodbank

Oct, Nov, Dec 2023 & Jan 2024 - Total Amount £397

Again, delayed getting this done and posted, but always come through!

Donations this month split between Unicef Children in Gaza Appeal, Nantwich Food Bank, The Wildlife Trusts, Age UK Cheshire East, Food 4 Farmers.

Feb 2024 to July 2024 - Total Amount £236

Yep, again, delayed getting this done and posted, but always come through!

Donations this month split between Nantwich Food Bank, Age UK Cheshire East, Woodland Trust, The Wildlife Trusts, Médecins Sans Frontières.


So where did 2022 and 2023 go?