Wrapping up 2021…

Well, this has taken longer to get to than I had hoped! I intended to write a nice summary of how 2021 finished, but time got away from me! I also wanted to write a view on what 2022 has in store…well, what I would like it to have in store! It is only February, so perhaps not too late!

Happy new year?!

I had set myself some targets in 2021, these were to learn how to roast coffee, run a series of market stalls and start selling coffee online.

Pleased to say that I have certainly started to learn to roast coffee and am in a place where I am able to produce a decent roast. I am far from being a master, that is a long road! One I am very much looking forward to going down and no doubt it will be filled with successes, frustrations, joy and confusion!

It is probably too early to say I have my own roast style, but I certainly have a goal in mind when I am roasting and then when I cup the results. The plan is to roast light enough so that there is good acidity and something really interesting in the cup e.g. distinct fruity tones. The balance for me though is making sure that this isn’t too light - underdeveloped or sour or even too much acidity. I would like to develop enough to bring in a nice smoothness or creaminess into the cup. Of course there will be limitations based on the bean but the amount of control you have as roaster, is quite astounding! The trick, I guess, is knowing how to apply that control and deciding where you want to be with your finished roast.

In terms of market stalls, the idea was to stay local. I wanted to make it easier for me logistically, also, I was really keen to see how my coffee would be received in the area I live, which doesn’t currently feel like a hotspot for this type of coffee. The target was three markets, in October, November and December. Covid stopped the October one but the other two went ahead and were a great learning experience as well as such a buzz! Being on the front line of retail for the first time in decades, it was a brilliant reminder of how much fun that service, hospitality and meeting people can be. Particularly refreshing after various lockdowns and less social interaction.

All in all, these were a real success for me. Everybody enjoyed the drinks I served, good feedback received on the beans sold and a couple of regular customers have resulted, which is a true sign of the product working. Footfall was not high, in part because of the location but also some unkind weather! However, this was probably the best way to start, as I have a way to go on getting my workflow spot on for coffee service!

Selling coffee online, well, this journal is part of the online store I have in place! I managed to get a site up and running to coincide with the first market and a handful of coffee varieties available to purchase. There is a monthly subscription model in place and standalone orders. I have not pushed the site in any way, so mainly working through organic, friends, family and referrals! But, it works!

I love the design work that Amiee from Manchester based, When Home We Feast, has created. The brief was for something simple, colourful and full of joy! I could not have been happier how this turned out and being able to have the labels on my bags and the designs filtering through the website has really added something special.

Many people have been involved in me getting to this point, some directly and some not so - but that will be another post!

Part of me would have loved to do so much more in the time I had, but I did achieve all the things I set out to and I am really pleased with how my coffee turned out and how well received it has been. This is a very competitive industry in terms of price, quality and range of roast styles…sometimes that can be a bit disheartening but also, a massive encouragement, when you come across the right people and set the right goals.

All in all, 2021 was a success and a great platform to build on. I am reminded of how much fun it is to learning new things, challenge yourself, meet new people and create a tangible product that can make people happy or at the least be a part of daily routine.

I will leave this here for now. Thank you for reading. Thank you for your support. 2022 has more targets, I look forward to sharing those with you, as well as the outcomes.


So where did 2022 and 2023 go?


2 days to go…