2 days to go…

As I stand here writing this, there are only two days to go before I make Tilted Coffee available to anyone other than me, a few family members and friends!

Honestly, this is exciting but right now a little bit terrifying and my head is spinning!

The launch for Tilted Coffee will consist of making a post on Instagram, quietly publishing this website and very publicly running a market stall at the Nantwich Artisan Market.

These might be the visible moments of reality but they are the result of many months of work and many years of daydreaming!

I enjoy retail, I started my working life as a paper boy and then working in the newsagent. I really enjoyed the interactions and challenges. This played out in other retail positions I took as I grew up.

I enjoy the concept of business. Creating something you love and hoping that others will love it to. Enough to thank you for it, enough to pay for it and enough to come back for more!

I really do love coffee. It has brought me so much. From the simple comfort of a warm drink on a cold day, to the moments of contemplation whilst sipping on a drink, to the people it has brought into my life, to the seemingly endless depths of knowledge and learning as well as the vast array of wonderful flavours, brewing methods and cups. Literally, lots of cups, I enjoy collecting new ones!

I have started this coffee business to see if I can. To see if I can roast coffee, to see if I can create a product I am proud of and to see if it is something others will enjoy.

Anything could happen. There are some ideas I have in mind but there is no firm direction or timeline, simply a chance to see what happens if you give something a go!

I hope you enjoy the coffee from Tilted Coffee and as time allows, I hope you enjoy the posts and thoughts I will leave here.

Looking forward to getting to know you and sharing some great coffee! Thank you…


Wrapping up 2021…